our five strong nonprofit partners include asian inc., consumer credit counseling services of san francisco, mission economic development and agency, the san francisco housing development corp., the san francisco urban community housing corporation. these five together have provided collaborative homeownership education class is -- classes in culturally competent ways. with out as much direct assistance from the federal government, we focused on making sure people do not enter into dangerous mortgage situations. to pay for these important services, we have unlisted major banks including wachovia, bank of america, the j.p. morgan case, as well as the san francisco foundation and the walter and elyse fund. san francisco home buyers have taken advantage of these programs. sadly, most of the federal and state programs are struggling to achieve effective loan modifications that would enable existing homeowners to stay in their homes on a long-term basis. as far as our efforts locally, we will continue to provide support to our partners to help people navigate the difficult mortgage issues here.