and i'm asika and this is cnn. >> jimmy: am i the only one that heard i'm a c cup. >> i'm asika and thiscnn. >> jimmy: congratulations. usually they work at fox news. this is crazy, marine scientist was snorkeling off catalina island off the coast here in southern california and fund a massive ore fish. rarely seen they live 3,000 feet deep. look at that thing. this died and floated to the top. 1 feet long. they can get up to 50 feet long. they eat plankten and small children. everyone is posing by it. look at the length of this. really, remarkable. animal. >> i have seen monsters and this is cnn. >> they talk too. incredible. >> the artist -- formerly known as snoop dog is changing his name again. snoop dog, released a regae album, changed his name to snoop lion. now working on a funk album we will release under the name snoop-zilla. isn't that a web browser or something? i wonder if snoop remembers his ch changed his name once this year. maybe changes it because he keeps forgetting it. eventually he will call himself greg orsomething. snoop-zilla will be here monday. i will ask him. un