i just wanted to thank you and aske ms. billick to continue. we as a division refer more cases than any other division or department in the city as far as code enforcement and we are aggressive. i testified in court and deposition many times. the other thing we do is if we get into litigation week get permanent injunctions to require additional take away from that for profit management so that as far as the hotel conversion ordinance and things like that, the temporary conversion of rooms to tourist rooms, we will take that away. other things the property owners demonstrating they are illegally converting the rooms are not maintaining the property. you heard testimony regarding musical rooms which is a property owner for-profit now allowing a person to stay for 32 days to establishment -- established tendency. when that happens, it is not in force under the housing code. it is not in violation of any of the codes. we will typically do a review and look at the records and provide the city attorney copies which is the chief enforcer of preventing