earth and asmanat were friends who could not be separated from each other. so the command of the missile and air unit was entrusted to you. when the operation was being carried out, you did not sit on the ground to seize the opportunity. the occupiers were driven out and stayed in shaba'a region after the victory. rapid growth and development emerged. the beauty of the phenomenon in our resistance is that its commanders are the most important phenomena. in july, seyed mohsen set fire to the operation room. as if there is a field there. he was the commander of military plans in the war and after. now the story will be long. in the beginning and before any beginning. in the shadow of decisive measures nizami and with your high forehead and flexibility of your passion is an introduction that arises from one pronoun and goes to another pronoun. life between you two. it was totally like resistance, heart and path. how many times have you said and acted in your life? o sayyid, if the life has been extended, it is not me, but you, i am in love with you and protect