abdu'l-baha, one of the slave leaders of the hojjatiyah sect , was released from the asmani prison andt for new york with the privileges of officials and wealthy jews he takes the residents of the city who can once again spread the baha'i faith in iran in the following years, and with the coming of pahlavi , he brings suitable channels for expansion in iran, and his followers gradually , despite the opposition of the iranian society, become important in the political and economic fields of the country. people like amir abbas hoyda, the prime minister, who has a record of continuous presence in the political arena and during the pahlavi era for 13 years , arrive in tehran . this is how my father was sent to syria baha'is and the son of mirza reza qanad of iran named ali mohammad went to syria for a political mission and later to lebanon and died there. i went to europe and the effects of the war, i stayed there, and the war and peace and the good situation that he had left as a child , he returned to tehran in his youth and entered the military service, but he entered the foreign minist