judgment asmy nearly so as my can -- as i therely free and aside from political party affiliation of the person impeached. me,o otherwise, to otherwise would not be doing impartial justice under the constitution. >> you can hear more from robert byrd who served in the u.s. senate for more than 50 years, this sunday at 5:00 eastern you're on american history tv on c-span-3. at the annual southern historical association meeting, a group of professors discussed challenges and strategy for teaching the reconstruction era. they talk about sources and trying to find a balance between national history and local history in survey courses. [laughter] aaron: good morning. my name is aaron dean, and i would like to welcome everybody to our panel this morning on teaching reconstruction. we are happy to have c-span here, which is not normally part of these panels. we will get going right on time. i will also explain first we will use this morning and then get out of the way. i will offer just a couple of to kind ofy remarks set things up, and then introduce our panelists, and then they will each