thompson: asrc tries to present that they are the voice of the people, but they are a for-profit c corporation thats in joint venture with the oil industry at this moment. burns: on the western side, they all want development. they want it here in our land, because they want to preserve their own hunting grounds. we always like to represent ourself, but they represent us, but they d don't live here. all the oil companies, they say they need to drill in just this little area. but then, while they're doing that, they'll say, "oh, we need a permit for this one over here. we need a permit for that one over here." they're gonna spiderweb all over and look for that oil, and if ththey find d it, they're gonna extract it. patkota: we as inupiaq pepeople considered ourselves the first conservationists. but with the right balance, we believe it can be done in a way that it doesn't harm the migration of the caribou. burns: shell came in here. my question was, "if there's a earthquake,e, what is your eaearthquakplan?" the lady laughed at me, then rigight after they had that me