assequently, it was built the commander's home. by 1911, he realized things were getting snug.e emerged it into a single dwelling of almost 9000 square feet. time, key west was the command headquarters for the seventh naval district, which went from key west to charleston. astor -- a general was inspecting the base and he finds that the commander has moved to smaller quarters because he is a bachelor and he doesn't want to bounce around in 9000 square feet by himself or get he left this hard home -- himself. he left this large home sitting empty. he was impressed by all of the research being done by the navy in key west. he gets home to washington to learn the president has a cough that he can't seem to shake. he immediately says, i have a perfect vacation venue. i'm sure that the president would love it. came,s why the president he came for a week of r&r. he was relaxing with his friends. they really are resting and women, soaking up -- swimming, soaking up the sun. the president says what a fabulous race it turned out to be, his cold disappeared in just a week. as he leaves a