of the sound healing byy center, today is a special evening here, world sound healing day, this day has been celebrated for 20 years in a row professional, it was established by the association of sound therapistsday it is customary to sound, uniting throughout the planet, many people connect through the voice on this day, sounding and harmonizing themselves and our planet, and today this will happen here, in our house of silence, we we will sound, and then travel in sound, thereby harmonizing ourselves and harmonizing everything around us. today our guests will hear gongs, planetary gongs, elemental gongs, singing crystal bowls, shrutias, bells, koshas, tambourines, and many other miracle instruments that very subtly touch different strings of our soul. hello, welcome, my name is roma, and my name is anya, and this is the showroom of our family workshop bittenby, here we make vases, dispensers, larger pots, smaller pots, and a lot of different beauty from concrete and architectural plaster. here's an example of a larger pot, you can take a closer look at why concrete, why we chose this material for our work, since each product is unique, all these here are the krakovins, all these bubbles, a