. -- assuccessful successful as so many members of the paypal mafia has been, you have also had failurewhy? the visionot achieve of a completely new currency system in the world. >> what about bitcoins? atif we could not succeed paypal, i would be tempted to come up with reasons why no one could succeed at it. >> do you think the chances of it succeeding are unlikely? is that it is slightly too cumbersome to work at the end of the day as a new payment system. >> you once invested in facebook. did mark convince you to invest or did you convince mark to invest? >> i knew it was growing very fast, they needed more money for computers, and i convinced them that i would be very hands-off. ? >> do worry that facebook could get distracted? >> it is always a challenge. you have to do is things, because you are not in a static world, and you don't want to do too many. you want to do the right number of things. customers include the cia and the air force, yet there is so much mystery around it. as i understand, it is using data on a acid scale to solve problems from disease to terrorism. >> it is