an assumptptn, doctor. i'm required to enter any reasonable doubts into my medical log. sorry, jim. dr. adams... this is rather embarrassing. by strict interpretation of our starship regulation, i'm required to initiate an investigation of this so that a proper repept-- no need to apologize, captain ki in fact, i'd take it as a perernal favor if you'd beam down and look into it yourself. i'm sure you realize we don't get too many visitors here. oh, i, uh... captain,n, would appreciate it if you could come down with a minimum staff. we're forced to limit outsididcontact as much as possible. affirmative, doctor. i've visited rehab colonies before. enterprise out. find me someone in your departmeme if possible. captain's log, stardate 2715.2. standada orbit. planet tantalus 5. mission--routine investigation and report as per ship surgeon's medical log. as for my last entry, ve preferred other circumstances. sick bay. report, doctor. van gelder's still violently agitated, captain. and you'd prefer to keep him here until i complete my investigation, anyway. i believe we should, jim. oh,