narrator: three times the british attack the assunpink creek bridge. three times they are repelled, taking heavy casualties. one american soldier later described the carnage. man as soldier: their dead bodies lay thicker and closer together than i ever beheld sheaves of wheat lying in a field which the reapers had just passed. narrator: as darkness falls, the americans are encamped on one side of the creek. the british on the other. the redcoats expect to easily defeat washington the next morning. fleming: in the night, washington had some of his men build fires, and they could hear sounds of digging. they thought, oh, the americans were entrenching there on the hill, and, oh, they're trying to keep warm with all these fires. meanwhile, washington's whole army marched by back roads and completely outflanked the british army that was sitting in front of trenton, and the next thing you know, in the early morning, they attacked the british garrison in princeton. narrator: this time, the frigid weather is an asset, turning muddy roads solid, enabling washi