khomeini khomeini was the name that was shouted many times by the mourners from ghazi gazi street to astana square today, a speech that has now become the beginning of a book, the book of ruhollah began. i had done research on the imam's activities before in 1942, i saw how active the imam was in the 1930s. even in the 20s of reza shah's era , imam had a lot of political and social activities, a narrative documentary in ten chapters, which is not only full, but in the childhood , adolescence and youth of haj agha ruhollah, after 10 months of waiting, the daughter of mirza mohammad thaqfi gave a positive answer to her suitor, ruhollah jovan. they get married in the same year. in 1309, their first child , mustafa, was born. rather , it deals with his leadership during the war and after that. in the last 200 years, no war has ended for iranians unless it has taken a corner of their land. but in this last the war of swords and shields, spears, cannons and guns is not decisive. it is the nation that stands tall against the enemy. perhaps the most important feature of the book, which can be considered b