imran: in new delhi, general asthana, i wanted to ask you a question. mentioned that one of the key partners for india is israel. israel is a very controversial partner when it comes to buying weapons from because of the battle testing it does with those weapons in, for example, that gaza strip every time there is a war. there is a political consideration here as well when you are buying weaponry, it is who we are buying those weapons from. is it simply a matter of, can we get them the best price possible and most effective? or is there a political consideration? guest: as far as india is concerned, in no uncertain terms, it is purely and squarely what meets our qualitative requirement of the weapon. we have a system of global tender. whoever gives the tender, irrespective of what everybody has to go through a trial -- we have a verity of terrain in the country where the weaponry is to be employed. it may well happen that the usa generally does not qualify. and is rarely qualifies. it is purely done as per our qualitative requirement and not part of the