. -- c eps are kabul steps astle steps and they would have originally gone to the castle. this is known as damnation alley, that single root had 10 pubs. -- route had 10 pubs and each pub was a brothel. not a very nice place. but you have sailors coming in, and if theyming in, wanted all manner of relief, that is where they would go. house to thend right. houses, and behind this, the famous elizabethan house. they're called jetty because as they go up, each floor sticks out more than the one underneath, and is call eight jetty house. -- a jetty house. ,f you want to see the stores they would've brought not just wives but also convicts here. stocks,uld have been some of the offenders would have been put into stocks. at the moment we have the southern harbor at low tide. so someone would have been dumped in mud as opposed to water. you can seeup, plymouth castle. plymouth castle may have been more in a state of ruined then we show here. where you are looking out you can see the tower in the distance, that is an outer gatehouse, and that is the only piece of the castle that e