very few order a large aston tish's monument any more a stone like this a bit larger perhaps is the emotional limit. the firm delivers stone rochlitz porfiry cut to size from its own quarry. sometimes the design is quite elaborate. the trend these days is toward park cemeteries where the graves are not anonymous. each grave is marked with one or 2 urns per plot instead of the family tomb a square meter for a married couple. they missed the fleet since the advent of low maintenance graves for instance in park cemeteries each grave is generally marked by a stone slab with a name and with details or even with symbols. the impressions and. the lawn is mowed regularly by the cemetery gardener the system is cheap and the cemetery always looks good. under this cross the graves are spread out in a particular pattern you'll find this phenomenon in all the larger german cemeteries their graves that pay testimony to the horror of war. when i visited we've conducted studies on war graves at the university and established that people believe it's very important to know where their soldier or relative is b