this factory in asturias manufactures steel supports for wind turbines.00 globally. according to managing director justo acedo business is booming. justo acedo: we are now looking at extending the capacity of this factory, because the demand is very huge. eric: so do you have any people working here that were miners? justo: no, we are working to have the sons, the children of the miners. eric: children of miners, right. justo: yes, because this activity is very different to the one with the miners. eric: it's hard to see enterprises like this ever matching the number of jobs provided by coal, where armies of men would toil underground. but energy corporations here believe coal jobs were going to disappear anyway, no matter what governments did. eric: but someoal operations are profitable. australia makes billions of dollars out of coal. do you think that can continue? ♪♪♪ eric: more than 6000 kilometers away, in the us state of illinois, people are praying that coal does have a future. dave severin: good morning and welcome to the annual old king coal fes