taxed asuld be ordinary income and i am a beneficiary of carried interest for my private equity days, what i did in my private equity days was work. [laughter] not see why it should have been taxed as work. it is a small revenue number, $50 billion over 10 years, so it is a principal matter. on principle, donald trump and hillary clinton agree on this and they are correct. ramy: you are watching "bloomberg best." it seems uber is finding out what other u.s. tech companies realized long ago. an alluring google, facebook and amazon are either banned from china or have swapped and their odds of success are only getting slimmer. mighterg explains why it be time for u.s. tech firms to give up on china for good. >> no u.s. the company has really cracked china. .t is time they stopped trying google, facebook, amazon, microsoft, ebay, all have either been shut out of china are treading water. the latest is uber, which sold after they lost billions of dollars. apple has done well but has struggled recently. why can't american internet companies succeed in china? three reasons -- why ca