. -- painful asull hamas.ing between continually punish gazans to pressure hamas to give up control. gazans cannot be understood without an awareness of the the humanization and the trail -- betrayal. with psychology is infused equally important values of intense determination, pride, and i on education and family. let me try to illustrate those themes. themes. i will excerpt from the book proposal that would certainly not be timed to chronicle the 23 years of the first narratives, so i will rely on mine. they were ordinary youth. they don't even know each other, so large and consuming is life in such a tiny place. collectively, their individual narratives reveal an array of life driving values that will be familiar to all. education,of family, expectations of justice and the role of religion in providing meeting. all of these all the more enhanced by the oppositions they face. the identical national narrative for freedom, struggle and the three illustrate how and why individuals still make different decisions about how to enact their national devotions and political activism. he is