number three is about aswan dam on the nile river. and the centerpiece of the president's plan for egyptian progress, historians often ignore the fact that eisenhower attempted to resolve the arab-israeli conflict that endures to this day. on august 26, 1955 before ike's heart attack, john foster dulles, have publicly announce the administration's plan, codenamed alpha, for resolving the arab-israeli conflict. that plan reads like it was written in 2011. discussing borders, palestinian refugees, holy places in jerusalem, et cetera. in the alpha plan, aid to the aswan dam would be the carrot to entice them to make peace with issue. like most mideast peace plan, that awful plan was dead on arrival. once he began to recover, eisenhower revise the question that they'd do the aswan dam, and in december 1955 he persuade the national security council that in a make an offer that would head off soviet financing of the damn. however, in the following months of negotiations with the egyptians broke down. ike paid little attention to those negot