the very same woman ataman lelka, for the capture, to whom a reward of 30,000 marks was announced, two cows and a liter of vodka at the volost councils of houses, old age, the fun of the announcement with its signs is high, hefty 25 years old with the order of red knowledge, the roar of an approaching train was soon heard and an explosion was heard in a moment mine worked, activated right in front of the sentry another the german echelon was derailed and did not reach. and the ataman turned out to be elena kolesova, a pretty girl and not at all hefty , as she was described, seized with fear, the germans , the head of a female sabotage group , was abandoned on may 1, 1942, in the territory of the minsk region near the village of megavshchina. composition of the group 11 people girls from 17 to 22 years old three very young people died during the landing. despite the losses, the group incited the germans terribly, the girls acted boldly. they made raids suddenly and also suddenly disappeared, remaining inaccessible to enemy. blown up bridges, the defeat of police stations, sabotage on th