atcalifornia we're looking massachusetts. [inaudible] i will address the first two questions. question there is a piece i want to talk about. the difference between prosecutorial discretion prioritizing who is going to be focused on versus what you are describing which is the executive ranch exercising , certain laws not to enforce because there not in the national interest. there is a different understanding and none of us are lawyers. constitutional scholars have written on both sides. have far the executive could go if they decided it would not happen and congress. terms of the politics of making a decision like that it is a very -- it would be a confrontational position to take. the types ofthan discussion we have seen. it would be may be motivated by recognizing congress but it will be the stuff of prophecy. on your question i think there is no question that there are convicted criminals who are defined as priorities who identifies your secure communities that are not serious criminals and terrorists. you have seen a broad reaction to security across different jurisdictio