as dean atchison put it in 195, the ability to evehicle support from -- evoke support from others is as constants ability to repair. we have strengthened institutions that provide incentives for cooperation, sincentives for sitting on the sidelines, and defenses against those who would undermine global progress. and we've championed the values that are at the core of the american character. now, there should be no mistake, course, this administratio is also committed to maintaining the greatest militarily in the his thor of the world and -- history of the world and is needed to vigorously defend ourselves and our friends. after more than a year and a half, we have begun to see the dividends of this strategy. we are advaing america's interests andaking progress on some of our most pressing challenges. today, we can say with confidence that this model of american leader high pressure, which brings every tool at our disposal, to be put to work on behalf of our national interests, works and that it offers the best hope in a dangerous world. i'd like it outline several steps we're taking