enlist the help of his atco-authored journalist jacob silverman to investigate remarkable.ogether of victims colorful crypto visionaries hollywood's biggest true believers anti- crypto whistleblowers and operatives easy money is on the ground look at the perfect storm of irresponsibility and criminal fraud. in reality have ford billionaires ours setting fantasyav and crypto jonathan explores the personal backgrounds and power of elon musk, markdr zuckerberg and mark anderson. showing other tech monopolies have brought middle which class nation and a radical increase in income inequality and about public acrimony. ik introduce you to the panel nw thank you. [applause] [applause] >> good afternoon booklovers. how's itt going? [applause] i am very pleased to be here with these two renaissance men. star stage and screen out best-selling author. jonathan even started in the music business managing producing for artists you may have heard of some nicks here folks like bob dylan, george harrison the later became aa fm producer for some young up and comers like martin, roger and no