pressure m drs nnn and we get sunshine, a nice and bright day with temperatures dtill above average atea dis orees. here is your exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast not nead yy as warm as yestee g when we hit 64, temperatures at the most hit 56 degrees and spots holding in the mid-5 ye ad cloing ss and sunshine and clou hold off until later tonight and nnn the oves.l later tonight and morning. clear skies and sunshine andea is your high. tomorropfo0say nice day. changes quickly on saturday. we are dry but have more cloing and a lot of high clouy w, sunshine is filtering through. it's much cooler and high of 49. that is the coolest day of the forecast period. sunday doesn't last long and up toea 4 dis orees and monday mos s there say front that approaches and loesn how tempera& ires s scke ahead of that. we make it up to 60 degrees with rain arrthe fring late in the d and on wedne. >> ay we have showers that linger with that front on 52. and then when that front comes throblemh it looks like now som cooler air moves into place. and you'll start to feel it on thursday. thursday hou se