and when it doesn't come down, and we call it-- it begins with an "s," ends with atellite. try it. satellite. go ahead. try it. satellite. yay. okay? that's what a satellite is. sometimes, things don't come back down. how come? how many say, well, there's probably no reason for that, that's just a characteristic of satellites? come on, gang. there's a reason for such a thing. we're gonna-- some people will say, "oh, it's beyond gravity." guess what, tilt, uh-uh. that's not beyond gravity. if the object were beyond gravity, you know what kind of path that we take? anyone know that already? let's suppose a satellite going around and round and round, all of a sudden, gravity cut off. boom. what's the direction of the satellite gonna be? straight line. straight line. straight line. just keep going, going, going, going, going. but gravity pulls it into-- why doesn't gravity crash it to the ground? hc. we're gonna be learning that. that's chapter four too. you guys, when you're walking out a fence top, don't you put your arms out like this? why do you put your arms out like that? little