he traveled to turkey on march 6, and on the 10th of march, four days later, he atepidded a divorce hearinge day later, march 11, 2010, the domestic court of turkey granted full custody of our son. he got full custody in a divorce in a domestic court in a country where we never resided. according to law, i how far been present for the divorce hearing. not only was i not present, i was never informed or had contact with the attorneys who was supposed to represent me. i had no hard evidence a case took place until he filed the rulings as evidence and there was a custody case. to date, he continues to ignore the summit county court order to return eli to ohio. the judge signed the order adopting our original shared parenting plan in june 2010, and we are still legally married in ohio. my turkish petition submitted to the central authority on january 24, 2011. i have learned that the turkish authorities investigated the where abouts and this month they opened a case on my behalf in turkey. i await updates daily and desperately. over the past 14 months, he has permitted me to visit with eli by w