process the scene and track the gun and look at the bullets and examine everything, that will be a slow process. >> all right, retired atf special agent jim cavanaugh. another shooting in vegas left two police officers and civilian dead this week. i'm joined on the phone by cliff shefter, he wrote about repercussions of these sessions and political role in lobbying groups on the hill. thank you so much for being here. what are your thoughts today after this most recent school shooting? >> first of all, my pleasure, thanks for having me on, ronan. my thoughts are that this is not going to stop. we know how to stop this and watched every other country high income country like us, most recently aus trailial in 1996 after the port arthur massacre who was on a similar path to us, they have not had one mass shooting since then even though they had 11 of them in the ten years preceding that. it's not a mystery. we have the national rifle association who in service of who their real clients are, which are the gun manufacturers that make millions off of selling military style rifles and military style weaponry to people, they don