jesuita, and there were two saints, two holy persons, the right slavs, the holy great martyr athanasius breski, and behind them the catalan saints andrei babola, yans of taxama. we visited and visited dubai. the height of dubai is the highest in the world, 15 centuries ago, in 1498 . and over its long history, it has passed from hand to hand and has been shared by the karpovichs, aginskas, and famous radzivils. my roots, i grew up in baranavichi, in the past, one might say, i didn’t know anything, except for the weak tsikavastsya that was called out by the sticks and sticks that were on display at the baranavich market , from porridge of different berries, these were sticks from gantsaushchyny, they were from theirs in such traditional ceremonies, the great nobles prayed, and i looked at them as if fascinated when they arrived. from the neykaga dzivosnaga region. the teacher read her right-hand rabinsons, and began to study at the belarusian state university, in her first year, together with me, there lived a daughter in the quarters, who had grown up in pinszczyna, more from the villages of b