. >> welcome to the atlas metnetwork.rate not only in english and spanish but in more than a dozen languages total in more than 80 countries. >> brad lifts is the ceo of atlas network. you don't run these think tanks you just support them. >> at ras networks trains support fosters collaboration among 400 organizations worldwide that hold up these principles of individual liberty and free enterprise. you can understand the people that are attracted to this work are putting at risk their lives their fortune sacred honor very much like our founding fathers. >> you have people that sometimes smuggle in sub versive books into these countries. >> true. back in the before the iron curtain there were materials getting into what was then the soviet union. now we can operate more freely in most parts of the world. >> in china? >> china is an interesting case. one of our partners is headed to jail for doing the kind of works you and i would think is patriotic work working in civil society to put forward an optimistic view of where t