robert, as an observational astronomer, had a great interest in the early star atlases. there's bears, dating from 1603, it's an absolutely stunning atlas in which the engravings include drawings over them showing the as logical symbols we all know of the 17th century star atlas. the collection includes all the other major early star atlases. this is the collection from 1742. you'll notice the mappings of the helps, again, describing the system of the planets in coal -- color, hand colored, and the accessions were important to robert as he became more and more interested in how others perceived the helps, the history of scientific understanding of the heavens from his perspective as the observational astronomer. this is the observation of the work finished in 1750s, but not published until 1786, and our copy has this title page which is very rare. we're one of very few libraries in the world to have all the early star atlases, but the p strength of the collection is that it relates to popular astronomy and observational astronomy. robert being a member of the american as