the atmo fear is destroy, too. -- the atm is going to drop. we will see them go up a little bit.g to be some warmer air coming in at the slightly higher elevations. i think the temperatures tomorrow morning will warm up a little bit. we'll stay in the 30s here and there is that chilly overnight and some significant warming coming our way. seven:00, 42 degrees, 39 at 9, 37 at 11. again, not too bad out there and in the suburbs, it will be colder than this. and they leect -- reflect that. and this is the warmth as we're talking about, st. louis now, is 66. little rock, 67; nashville, 62 and even cincinnati is 58 and they're loving it in chicago right now. and 52 degrees. look at lincoln, nebraska, 69. can i go on all day with the wonderful temperatures down here and we don't get the brunt of the warning tomorrow. it's going to be very, very nice tomorrow. we'll be there for the day. twentys for the suburbs. we're talking about the numbers into the middle 30s or so. that is on the cool side. loads of sunshine. through the day tomorrow, we're expecting mostly sunny skies and look at