michael team in placep in two weeks.re so hade was ready to carry out h with the president's policy atr. the department of interior, and i remember we had holes, we hadn a variety of things going in the department of interior, we had a very talented woman from thehe mexico who was going to become the solicitor. she moved her young family, hera husband, they came toashington. washington, they had a three month old nobody could never figure out why, but she was finally allowed to become the solicitor of the interior department. so all these kind of things from the holder to the constant any r filibuster without a real debate have slowed down the government in a significant way and reallyu prevented us from doing the important oversight job that we. need to do. cementer merkley come i know knu that you have other comments the you might like to make and and o supply yield to you at this point.th >> thank you, cementer and it is quite a contrast the you are drawing between an era in which on a two-way period the bulk of the team was in place ready toek do the work, elected, they wereo electe