there's every itcomplacency about what atsociety does to people. on the title page i see copies of the book around the room so you should look at that book, just grab it. you've got copies all near you. there's a photograph of all the students in the class and i find it really good to see their faces. another thing i want to point out when you pick up yourcopy of caged , there is in addition to the wonderful introduction by boris franklin who is on our panel tonight don't miss the section called playwrights on the inside and playwrights on ht the outside. as of 2013 there are bios of every one of the playwrights. there are also astonishing stories. i hope this book will serve as a call to action and that we have time to include these ideas in the discussion to follow. we're pleased to offer welcome author chris hedges, author of many books and an ordained minister. he's joined by boris franklin, playwright, scholar . the first of chris's former students to earn hisdegree from rockers.. currently assistant director of the directions program for pris