the patient was allegedly given an anti-psychotic test drug made by the pharmaceutical manufacturer atsuko but she should have never received this drug criminal investigators say her illness should have excluded her from the study. we met her cousin one of her last relatives at the patient's grave in a suburb of our road. and i'm on our own on. the arms you how did you find out about her death ya the neighbors told me that it smelt it was it had been a few days. yeah apparently it was a heart attack. i don't know what she was doing there but she fell and it smelled bad and it knew it was in june he says he's even so how do you feel about the suspicion that she might have died in connection with this medication. that somehow . we're now i don't feel good about it. i'm always very worried especially when they do experiments on humans. my list i get it in there because they've been there you trust duct is you think they'll cure you and then they kill you. but they're criminals if they did those things to people that's not allowed. you can even do that with an animal. according to the criminal