please give a warm welcome to atsuko okatsuka. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> chelsea: yes! >> chelsea: i discovered atsuko -- i didn't discover her, but i discovered her personally on tiktok. you have a very popular tiktok which you're very funny on, and instagram. [ cheers ] and i was following you along. she does these funny videos with her grandmother. and i was following you along. then you messaged me first? or did i message you first? >> you know, i had seen that you were commenting. i'm like, chelsea handler's following me. chelsea handler's following me! chelsea, the one i watched growing up in my garage, with my mom and grandma, all cramped, it's chelsea handler, it's chelsea. when i saw you were following me, then i started seeing you commenting, i think i just saw you at the portland airport, very casual, you know what i mean? [ laughter ] like, we're friends already. that's something you say to a friend, but publicly on my instagram feed. so i was like, i think she wants to be friends. [ laughter ] naturally, so that's when i dm'd you. >> chelsea: yeah. >> i too