can see the requests for each scope of the descriptions and the staff recommendation and memo attachesment 1 to 3. we have the contracts, to install new signals on factors collision history and traffic volumes and proximity to schools and senior centers. and five of these intersections are on the vision zero high injury network and in addition to the new signals with the accessibility and the project will design, 15 to 20 new ramp and schedule for completing in june of 2016. and next, is the first of the two, prop k, requests and the district ten, and the capitol request to support, the conceptual engineering for the intersection of the chavez and the commonly known as the hair ball, and entined%backer tended to strengthen the pipelines and advance the neighborhoods scale, projects especially in the communities of concern. and the capital funding is intended to advance, one small and mid sized project in the next five years in each district up to $500,000 in lot match funds and the first capitol allocation, and on the planning department's 2012, east community design plan. and the project