france h attass decided to republish cartoons mockingd.oham m oneintas,ck highh schoeaolch tas beadefod r showing those caoons in a class on free speech. theec rent vioncele has raised ubtsdo about france's abilitto instilsl itin ideals and some of its youth. ♪ >> five years live betwe tenhese esctur. a sarical magazi tne, aeacher. both are tragic symbols for freedom of expression and .rance . possible to speak on 's mind only in france orra iamicslicsl extremi muzzleded free speech? the politians musitact l beklyr o els tre whereil dramat ciconsequceens in the coming months. >> patrick is a light -- writer for charlie hebdo.@c he percees tivhe spiral of viofolences pr ietty double. he says t rheight to frdomdoe. liberty, equality, and fraternity. the national motto of post-rolution france. some say the separatn of inurch and state ishrinkg causing a division in society and affecting the youth in particular. according to some surveys, 75% of young frenchre t koran mp more iortant than those of the french state.en schoolare often le wftith