. -- dave attell. the best. it seems like a lonely club at the top. they were excited to have someone new who could understand the level that they are operating at in terms of the size of venue, exposure. they have done their best to advise me even though i don't listen as much as i should. charlie: what is the best advice they've given? amy: they all tell me to just basically shut up and not respond to any of the anything going on in the media. that's hard to do. charlie: especially in the world of twitter. amy: i'm a comic and a communicator by nature so i want people to understand what i'm saying. charlie: and you want to be part of the conversation. amy: it seems unfair and unjust. it the celebrity culture where straight up lies are printed, i want to say, that's not true. that makes it a bigger story even by responding. they say, just stay off of there. charlie: louis i think finds it irresistible. he said some things about the political race he knew got him in trouble. but he repeated it. amy: there is a moment of, should i have? i felt very gra