which prosecutors say violated his 3&pfraud case.he gained worrdwide -3 attentionn.. with the makinn -3 of hii movie innocence of muslimss... which portrays ttee prophet mohammeddas a -33womanizer, ruthless killer ann & child molester. the aamy psychiatrist... -3 accused in tte 2009 fort ood shootinggrrmpage... issnow appealingga court ooder to -3 shave his beard.lawyyrs for &pmajor nidal hasan are asking to ovvrturn the judge's decision... and to get hhm & argue asan's beard is an expression of his muslim faith. hasan faces the death penaltyy 3& parolee.. for the attack that kklled 13 people and wounded more than twoodozen oohers. 3 p family says tte diamonds they were expecting in the pail never came.. ecause they weee stolen whhle n transit. & transit.but hese are no ordinary diamonds.they're ade from the cremattd remains off kyle hooas.when thomas diid family paid 15- thousand dollars for his ashes to be pressed inno two diamonds.the company says they held up tteir end of the ddal... ann packed and shipped the remainss &pto he family..ut the family -3 says the aak