in fact, it has been alleged that the attica riots in the early 1970s were a directory result of a perception among the inmates of sentencing disparity isn't then the executive director of commission that has developed this remarkable grid. we saw on the graphic a moment ago. how did you and your commission about deciding how months this person who was convicted of aggravated robbery should get. why 49 months rather than 67 or 32? like any policy development process? there were many things that were looked at to come up with the final grid. the commission had to determine not only the length of imprisonment for those that went to prison, but the commission also had to determine how many people and kinds of people should go to prison in the first place, rather than be on probation with perhaps local jail time. and so there were a lot of decisions that had to be made. we as every state, has limited correctional resources in which to offenders that we want to incarcerate. and that became certainly constraint on what the commission could in terms of developing sentences. and therefore, it became