. -- crispushristmas addicks is considered to be the -- crispus atticus is considered casualty of the revolutionary war, the first blow against the british occupation and tyranny. continue tod blacks press for service? one,se they realized that, fighting in battle can bring freedom, but it also can bring respect, and if not seen by whites, it is certainly seen by other blacks. william pickett, moving on to world war i, told us why the black fought in world war i, and that is that blacks were able to establish their character as opposed to reputation, which is given to someone by others. character is intrinsic. and he says that the character of black americans shown clearly in the -- black americans shone clearly in the light of war. suddenly, the most undesirable element in the united states became the most reliable element, as symbolized and recognized by the calling out of president wilson of black national guard troops to protect the white house. blackse war had allowed from africa and america the opportunity to make their first great record as a modern international factor, a posi