but atticus finch knew that the likelihood of that jury finding that man innocent was slim and none. and the end of this closing argument, he talked about the solemn duty, the solemn obligation that jurors have to the system. he talked about the justice system and the courts and jurors being the great levelers of society, where the pauper or the rich man are the same in the eyes of the law. he talked about the duty that they had to fairly, impartially judge the facts. and just before he sat down, knowing -- knowing -- you could see it, you could feel it -- if you read the book, you could feel that atticus knew what was going to happen. he sat down -- just before he dat sat down and he looked that jury in the eye. he said, gentlemen, for god's sakes, in the name of god, do your duty. ladies and gentlemen and colleagues, in the name of god, we got to do our duty. we have to do our duty. we have to make sure that we fulfill our oaths, that we are not concerned about how many votes it might get us or how many votes it might lose. we have to fulfill that solemn obligation. whether we know