every day when i come in here and look attwood pile. -- attwood the wood pile, i wonder who is going first, it or me, you can feel how lively it is, that is just waiting to go, it needs before tuesday -- use it, i feel like i have different people in me, the artist that shapes and carves, then the engineer who thinks about the structure. and there is the sound technician who is doing aye adjustments. i feel like those parts of me take turns, they sort of exist at the same time but they come out at different points at the stage that i'm at. i imagine it is going to vibrate when it coming together, i feel by numbers and by sound. you can plan as much as you want but you don't really know until the now sig musician puts the bow on the string. start by making some kind, then you make the next one better, you figure out what is wrong with that one, then you make the next one better, if you have enough time your life, vently you will be making a great violin. >> coming up, the tailor whose decliners include the whos who of america's a listers, >> welcome back we're here in brooklyn home to