to find out, i'm at an aquarium in las vegas to talk with the legendary gerontologist, aubrey de graybout another long lived sea creature, the lobster. - the big thing that's special about lobsters is that they live a really long time. there are now reports of lobsters having lived longer than any human has lived, which is 122 years. - [maren] incredibly, this crustacean doesn't age, at least not in the way humans do. - the other thing that lobsters have, the really big thing ty have, is they grow and grow and grow as long as they live. - unlike humans, a lobster's cells never stop dividing. so this creature never stops growing. they may die due to predation or disease, but not old age. why does the lobster live so long? the answer can be found in something called telomeres. humans also have telomeres. telomeres are repeating sequences of dna at the ends of chromosomes. if chromosomes were shoelaces, then telomeres would be the little protective caps at the tip. these caps protect dna during cell division. but as our cells divide throughout our lifetime, these telomeres gradually shor