i could have been like the audrey hepburn of the situation like very demure >> jimmy: yeah >> and solike, "yes," or whatever [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "yes." >> i have somehow nervously stuffed, like, all of the sausage into my mouth. [ laughter ] and i'm like, "yes!" [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: sausage coming out of your mouth >> yes, just sausage, like, dangling like, you know how they're like connected by a string. >> jimmy: ew, no >> one hanging out [ laughter ] yeah i'm like, "i will be your wife!" >> jimmy: forever! >> "now you said it, you have to do it." and then it's like - [ laughter ] it's like when howard dean was like -- "oh! [ laughter ] oh, man. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. congratulations. that's a good memory >> thank you very much >> jimmy: that's a good memory >> beautiful memory. >> jimmy: yeah >> yeah. >> jimmy: very, very long, long time together, you guys. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "little weirds." >> yes >> jimmy: i love this. can you explain why is the title "little weirds"? >> well, in the book, there are 48 small pieces and some of them are, like