audrey smith was caring for four patients and michael had a four patient load and screaming patient also on a 51 hold. and my own patient consisted of three patients. at this point three of my fours nurses are already over their title 22 ratio and the remaining two are in capacity. with these patients already in mrasz four stab wounds arrived all at once. i have fur rn's and they're already well over while all hands were on deck for recently arrived traumas. not two hours into this chaos after two icu patients was medicated dislocated shoulder was still waiting for treatment, a nice young man and said i'm sorry to ask this, but is there any way i can go to the bath roochl. room. that's just sad. sadder still is my only option in the hallway to try to protect his privacy. our rooms are full. icu patients, trauma patients are everywhere, we've done everything we can and we've had insufficient resources. he's been waiting how long and doesn't want to ask if he can go pee. about an hour later a young man punched a hole in the wall. he was angry his girlfriend had been waiting four hours for