augusta penochet left the presidency on march 11 , 1990, amid mass protests.s claim that he simply got out of hand and washington decided to remove him. in 1999 the dictator was arrested, and on december 10, 2006 he died. leaving a legacy in the country that is still echoed by protests and problems. here is the material from 2019. to the current social explosion was caused by the dissatisfaction accumulated in chileans over a decade with the socio-economic policies of the authorities. for many years, the country's authorities pursued a policy of total privatization. the state has practically withdrawn itself from all spheres of socio-economic life in latin america, and perhaps in the whole world you cannot find another country with the same degree of privatization as in chile. as a result, in chile the rules of the free market were applied not only to the economy as such, but also to the social sphere, education, medicine, pension system. all these key and sensitive areas for the population were privatized and removed from state regulation. simply put, if you