bibiups spent 17 years in e agueueillups noheads the auncey billups ele basketball acacemy in colorado. next, we highghghted@ ti minds frontmenrom h, w wd and fireorn apd raises ithe mile high . the band won sisigrgrmys. we also recogngned co gers i i coloradoron stallworororbs a strongng histor tit to colorado rings. in 19, he beca theheity'y' t black polili offic and also filtd the local ku klux organinition. ring his investigation, he manageto stop crimes with the k-k-k.he wrote abououhihi experience in thth book, "t black klansman." ...a last we, we lened a out actorsrshat e not t ly well knn in hollywoo but cocorado. hattieiecdaniel isne of the actctsses who paved the way foblacks in filild televi. ( she s th first black k actor an female to oian car. mcdiel ayed mammy, scarlet o'hare's house servant, in gone with the t wiwi. ifouououh to arn more about afcan- ican histo colorado, re are some options: in southern coloradothe rican nnerican historical & gegealal the pikes pk rereon. the ciety is used at e stside communit centntn colodospngngng ndnde mcknknht erted thth grgrp in 200