uncle brendan and aunt anne have agreed to let me stay and help out on the farm. decided to put up with us... ( all laughing ) so that his sister... can go back to college in san francisco. michael: hey! oh, kevin, thank you. michael: wha4 about us? give us a hug. that's great! i would like to propose a toast to our new cousins from boston to welcome them. and although i could go on and on... brendan: oh, i know that. and have... ( all laugh ) i think i will turn it over to our darling daughter kate, who is never at a loss for words. honey, would you like to lead us in a little thanksgiving prayer? yes. good bread, good meat, good lord, let's eat! anne tells me that you're going to the san francisco college of music. i was... until my father passed away. anne: well, now you can go ahead with your plans. so, you're a musician? um-hmm, i really hope to write music and maybe perform. so, anne... do we have a star in the family? we might. i've never heard rebecca sing but brendan tells me you have a beautiful voice. would you sing for us? oh, please do. yeah! all righ